- /Nursing/Nursing Day 1/

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11/3/2019 12:01 PM 1637404 10.20 Nursing hourly rounding, nurses response time to call system and its impact on patients’ safety and patients’ experience -Dr.Hussam Al Nusair.pdf
11/3/2019 12:03 PM 1932669 10.40 A pain assessment tool for the minimally conscious state - Mark Fielding.pdf
11/3/2019 12:07 PM 724825 11.00 IT and patient safety – the case of healthcare complaints - Dr. May McCreaddie.pdf
11/3/2019 2:10 PM 1302569 11.20 Data on near miss alerts and its interpretation on the patient safety and improvement dashboard - Rekha Biju Vaeghese.pdf
11/3/2019 4:37 PM 1769163 12.50 The safe surgery checklist – are we just ticking the box, Paolo Patricio Guevarra.pdf
11/3/2019 12:14 PM 2202988 13.10 Are you still smoking - Management of Surgical Plume in the Operating Suite - Louise Doyle.pdf
11/3/2019 12:21 PM 830545 14.50 Identifying the deteriorating patient post operatively through AI- Assoc Prof Jane griffiths.pdf
11/3/2019 12:23 PM 961414 15.10 Staffing issues in operating theatres - Elizabeth Sojka.pdf